Thankful for Agriculture

I was on the phone with my mom last night and when she asked what my plans were for the evening I told her I had a Collegiate Farm Bureau meeting. Tonight I had a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Ambassador meeting and tomorrow evening I will be attending a planning meeting with other students to prepare a presentation for the Farm and Industry Short Course students. My mom asked me if I was okay, if I was tired and worn out, “You are always at meetings. Don’t push yourself.”

Mom, thank you for your concern; it means the world to me, but I want you to know that I am blessed. I’ve been blessed with the ability and talent to contribute and blessed beyond belief with the people I get to work with on a daily basis. I am stressed and I do push myself and you aren’t the first person to tell me that I am always at meetings, I am overly involved and that I shouldn’t commit to too much. It is okay though, because I love the people I get to work with, people I have met in the industry and people who continue to influence me and have a positive impact on my life.

The people are what make the agriculture industry and encourage me to stay active, motivate me to do more and help me to succeed. I love you, Mom, and thank you, but just remember that you and Dad raised me to be committed, active and involved, to use my talents and to make the world a better place. I try to do all of those things and look forward to leaving my own footprint on the industry.

After my meeting last night I was able to participate in the last hour of #foodchat. The second reason I am thankful to be involved in agriculture is because the people in this industry have a passion for what they do. Farmers have a passion for the outdoors and compassion for the livestock that feed and clothe us. Over the last few years social media presence has grown to the volume where we can have conversations with people around the US and across the world about agriculture nearly every week with #agchat and #foodchat on twitter. I am thankful for the passion that is shared through these social media conversations.

Between my tweets, I tuned in to the last half hour of the Food Dialogue chat going on in Iowa last night. I am thankful to be involved in an industry that makes a difference. Without agriculture people would be both naked and hungry.

As thanksgiving approaches and the end of the College Aggies Contest is right around the corner, I reflect on the things I am thankful for and the impact that the agriculture industry has had on me.

So why am I thankful to be involved in agriculture? It is the people, the passion and the importance of what we do. We feed and clothe the world. Without farmers, producers, processors and all of the millions of people that contribute to agriculture our world would be a pretty tough place to live.

Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to thank a farmer or agriculturalist for their commitment to feeding and clothing the world.

Food and the Future!

Nearly one out of every eight people goes to bed hungry. That is 842 million people who don’t know where they will find their next meal. That is parents who go to work without a pay check big enough to pay for food. That is children dying because they aren’t able to scrounge for enough nutritious food. That is families torn apart simply because they don’t have access to food. As the population continues to grow, food insecurity becomes a bigger problem.

According to the World Health Organization, food security is built on three pillars. Food availability, food access and food use all are components of food security. Making sure there are sufficient quantities of food available on a consistent basis is food availability. Access to food involves having sufficient resources to obtain appropriate foods for a nutritious diet. Lastly, use is defined by the knowledge of basic nutrition and care as well as adequate water and sanitation.

There are many debates about the amount of food available to adequately feed the world. The future needs of food, national food security related to global trade and the benefits and challenges involved with globalization are all involved.

I am lucky to have been born into a family who didn’t have to worry about where our next meal came from. Unfortunately, some people struggle daily to find food daily. They aren’t able to live a normal life, as their stomachs hunger for nutrition. As a society and world, we need to come up with innovative agriculture solutions to feed our growing population.

The Agriculture Innovation Prize sponsored by the Howard Buffett Foundation is one way in which we can help to solve the world’s food insecurity problems. The contest focuses on innovative ways to improve agriculture. That doesn’t just mean on the farm changes though. It encompasses the entire food system supply chain. Anything that involves land access and soil sustainability, agriculture production, distribution and aggregation, food processing and manufacturing, preparation-consumer and institutional products, and resource and waste recovery all encompass the contest.

Have an innovative agriculture idea? Think you have the next best way to solve a big problem related to farming, food, resources and waste? Please apply for the Agriculture Innovation Award. Details can be found at The entry deadline is February 28th, 2014. All you need for an entry is ten slides and a two page report. You could change the world with simply a ten slide entry and a few paragraphs explaining your idea.
Twenty five teams will be selected to compete in Madison, Wisconsin for the grand prize awards in April. There will be five winners. The grand prize winner will win $100,000 prize and the other four finalists will get $25,000 dollars. There will also be an audience choice award in the amount of $15,000.

I have been honored to be able to work with this project. Currently we are in the process of selecting speakers for the Key Note. I am not lying when I say that we are really dreaming big and aiming to get a large name to campus to provide inspiration for the contestants and audience.

Again, if you are interested or have an idea, big or small, that could change agriculture please visit and apply for this enormous award! You could make a difference in the lives of thousands of people who are affected by hunger.

College Aggies Online

It has been a busy start to my sophomore year at UW-Madison this fall. It is hard to believe I am already into my second year of school. Club meetings, work training and class have kept me entertained pretty much every hour of the day! Tonight UW-Madison’s chapter of Collegiate Farm Bureau welcomed over forty new members at our fall picnic! It was great to see so many people excited about agriculture and excited to be on campus! We look forward to seeing them next week at our first official meeting!
New this fall: I am participating in the College Aggies Online Competition with many other college ag students around the country. I am looking forward to talking about my experience in agriculture and use social media and blogs to share my story. I encourage you to join in the conversation on Tuesday night on #agchat to discuss topics related to agriculture on twitter. Another part of the competition is blogging and sharing stories about experiences in agriculture. I am excited to keep this blog more active fall semester and share experiences I have had in college.
I am in a unique position, as I am a college student in a college town that can tend to be extremely uneducated on agriculture. This position provides me a unique opportunity to educate the public and share experiences I have had. I look forward to continuing to spark conversation among consumers and talk with the public about agricultural issues! Watch my facebook and home farm facebook, Cozy Lane Farm, twitter accounts, @KateGriswold and @Kgriswold46 and this blog for more updates, ag facts, stats and stories!

Agvocating Everyday

This week in Plant Pathology 123, a class I am taking at the UW for biological science credit, we spent some of the lecture watching a clip from the movie Food Inc. I attend this lecture with three of my fellow sisters in the Association of Women in Agriculture. We are all passionate about agriculture and feeding the world. As the videos played we endured Michael Pollan talking about animals being knee deep in manure, the spread of E. Coli on farms and carcasses going to slaughter covered in manure. Taylor, Emily, Jaime and I sat in disbelief, as we have all seen the movie, but we were shocked that it was being shown in this class. We all know that the farms some of us own and others of us have visited, animals are not treated inhumanely and aren’t covered in manure. We were appalled. Instead of just leaving the class frustrated, which we did anyway, Taylor and I decided to take a stance. My good friend Taylor grew up on her family’s 850 cow dairy farm in Watertown, Wisconsin, Rosy Lane Holsteins. Taylor and I sent our professor a lengthy email with resources that share the true story of agriculture. Our email to our professor went as follows:

Dr. Rakatondrafara,

My name is Taylor Holterman and I am in your Plant Pathology 123 class. I would like to share the following information, articles and resources with you because I am from a farming background, and what I saw in the videos shown today and during the guest lecture on Monday were not representative of what I believe agriculture to be.

I was raised on a dairy farm one hour East of Madison near Watertown, Wis. I was active in 4-H for 12 years showing dairy cattle as well as beef and sheep for a few years. I was also an FFA member for five years expanding my knowledge of the industry through a “Supervised Agricultural Experience.” My senior year of high school, I won the Wisconsin State FFA Dairy Entrepreneurship Proficiency for the herd of 18 dairy cattle I own, which are housed on my parent’s farm. My parents started with 70 milking cows and today have 850 as well as two business partners and approximately 20 full-time employees. This type of farm today is classified as a “factory” farm as well as CAFO, however what the video portrayed in class today was nothing like it is on our farm nor other farms I have been on. Everyone I know takes care of their animals to the highest standards; there are no snow-days or holidays on a farm.

On every farm I have been including dairy farms in Georgia, Florida, England, Germany and Bulgaria, as well as on our own, animals are treated humanely and cared for 24/7. I would like to invite you to talk with me more on this subject, as well as view the following resources. First off, I would like to ask you to watch this video of my mom, Daphne Holterman. She was selected last year as a Finalist for the United States Farmers and Ranchers Alliance “Faces of Farming and Ranching” Competition. This is the video created by them: Also, in 2009, she was selected as World Dairy Expo’s Dairy Woman of the Year. You can probably tell her passion for agriculture and animals was instilled in me!

Another video and article about my parent’s and our family:

Our farm’s Facebook page: On pages 10-11, my mom is featured here talking about what she does.

Video from a blogger “Dairy Carrie” – her site also has great articles and other resources as well. This video made some news outlets in the agricultural industry and stood out to me.

United States Farmers and Ranchers Alliance’s Food Dialogues – a great conversation about farming and where our food comes from

My friend, Kate Griswold, who is also in Plant Pathology 123 with me saw the videos in class today as well. Kate grew up on her families’ hobby farm just West of Madison, Wisconsin in Black Earth and both her parents work in the dairy industry. She has grown up being involved with 4-H and FFA and showed beef cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. Although Kate didn’t grow up on a large farm, she has been exposed to a wide range of agricultural production methods and visited a number of farms. Neither Kate or I believe the videos shown in class were representative of agriculture or the way farmers treat their animals.

I would be happy if you shared this with the class because there are definitely two sides to this story. Negative media like ideas from Michael Pollan are only showing one side of the story.

If you have any more questions or would even like to visit our farm, please let me know. I am happy to share all of my knowledge as well as my family’s farm. I love sharing what great things our farm does. As my mom says, “Our farm is open to anyone with an open mind.”

Thank you for your time,


We need to share our stories. Sometimes it is as simple as sending an email with additional resources like we did. People continue to mistrust agriculture because of the things people far removed from the topic say. It is our responsibility to continue to share the truth. Throughout the day today this email has had multiple shares and has plastered many facebook walls. I am sad to say that we haven’t heard back from our professor at this point. I will keep you posted to any feedback she provides us or shares with our class.

The Winning Ticket

Imagine winning the lottery. Not the lottery with millions of dollars, but the lottery of people. Imagine that you have the chance of being reborn into this same world. Of the 7 million people in the world, each person has a one in 7 million chance of being reborn as the same person again. What are the chances you are reborn as a middle class American with enough food to eat, clothing to wear and shelter?

At the beginning of November, I attended the Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Leaders Conference where Howard G. Buffet was honored as an AFA Leader in Agriculture Award winner. In his acceptance speech, he reminded each of the delegates that we, as American agriculturists with food, clothing, clean water and shelter, have the winning lottery tickets. We may not be millionaires or billionaires, but we do not have to worry about where we’ll get our next meal. Our worry isn’t on whether or not our water is clean and safe to drink. We don’t need to be burdened looking for clothing to wear or a shelter to protect us from the elements. Just by being born in America, we have won the lottery.

Howard Buffett works to make a difference in the lives of the impoverished. Here he is educating about the importance of agriculture.

Howard Buffett works to make a difference in the lives of the impoverished. Here he is educating about the importance of agriculture.

As we look to the future, farmers have the resources to provide for the growing population. Researchers continue to develop, change and improve agricultural technologies. Ensuring the availability and access to technologies that will assist in providing a sustainable source of food for people around the world will increase the number of people who possess winning tickets.

Each day at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a world renowned research institution, I am surrounded by students and faculty who are conducting research which will continue to enhance agricultural production practices. As I attend lectures and discussions I am able to learn more about technologies on the forefront of development. Technology isn’t some far off concept; innovative ways of production are crafted and explored daily. It is exciting to be part of a generation that will develop technology to continually increase the number of winning tickets people possess.

Individuals around the world deserve the chance at a winning ticket. With innovative technology, farmers in America and around the world will produce food to feed the 9 billion people that will inhabit the earth by 2050. It is the responsibility of each producer to be as efficient as possible to ensure food availability. Although it may not always feel like it, farmers in America have the winning ticket; we can and will continue to impact people throughout America and around the globe. Keep using your winning ticket to benefit your family, community and even our world.

First Memories Create a Burning Passion

As I think back on my life, I have always been involved in agriculture so picking just one memory or my first memory is a challenge. One of my most vivid memories is of Christmas as a young child. My family likes to give each other unique gifts, however the Griswold Family Christmas Eve was quite interesting this year.

The previous summer we had gone on vacation out west and stopped in Custer State Park. In Custer, there are wild donkeys and visitors are directed and asked not to feed the donkeys. However, the animals like to come up to the windows and love eating corn chips and Cheetos. My younger brother, sister and I all fell in love with the donkeys, but never expected to get one on Christmas Eve.

When we came home from church, both of my parents directed us down to the barn, since the light had been left on. We all entered cautiously, but were pushing my mother to go in first. You see, we were in on a secret too. For my Mom’s Christmas present, we had purchased some sheep. When she was a child and showed animals in 4-H, she showed sheep. Once she went to college she sold her sheep. The man who bought her sheep kept her herd registered separately. We were able to purchase some of the decedents from her original herd of sheep. As we pushed my mom into the barn, she pushed us in and my dad followed with a smile on his face. I think he was just excited we all made it and nobody found out about the secrets before they were supposed to! As we entered the barn we saw the sheep and in another pen was our baby donkey. It was an exciting Christmas Eve!

This is Sara, my sister with some of the newest lambs. Even years later we still have decedents of my mothers heard.

This is Sara, my sister with some of the newest lambs. Even years later we still have decedents of my mothers heard.

Later that evening my mom asked my brother, around 4 years old at the time what we should name the donkey. Since we got him for Christmas she suggested we name him something Christmas related. My innocent, little brother quickly spoke up and recommended the name Jesus for the donkey. My parents couldn’t hold in their laughter, but quickly decided that we couldn’t name our ass, Jesus. We later decided on the name King.
King the donkey isn't so little anymore. He still enjoys to be pet and he always loves it when we bring him apples!

King the donkey isn’t so little anymore. He still enjoys to be pet and he always loves it when we bring him apples!

I encourage you to share family memories involving agriculture. These stories don’t have to be extravagant Christmas memories; they can be simple day to day happenings on the farm. The personal stories and connections we share help our consumers connect with us on a personal basis and provide an outlet for them to ask questions. The next time you have a fun picture, story or even quote, I encourage you to blog, tweet, instagram and facebook them. The conversation starts today and doesn’t end until consumers are satisfied!